Primitive Ancestors

ft. Ben Lukas Boysen

This is another single shot flythrough in a fractal space. This particular fractal lives somewhere between the organic and man-made. Sometimes resembling sea-urchins or coral, and sometimes ancient ruins. Or just abstract fractals. Maybe it all means nothing, and it’s enough to enjoy a high-detail space full of ancient mathematics.

Ben Lukas Boysen is a Berlin based electronic music composer. Classically trained with piano and guitar, he explored everything from ambient to breakcore under the name HECQ.
Julius has worked with Ben before on the NXT exhibit Foreign Nature, currently on display in Amsterdam.

Ben created entrancing rhythms that wind inside this hypercomplex ancient structure.

Directed, animated and produced by Julius Horsthuis. Composer – Ben Lukas Boysen Courtesy of Erased Tapes
©2023 Julius Horsthuis Fractals B.V.


Utterly Intertwined ft. Desert Dwellers


Remote Motif ft. David Levy